Poseidonios of Apamea
135 BC - 51 BC
"The people we Greeks call Syriacs were called by the Syriacs themselves Aramaeans"
(J.G. Kidd, Posidonius (Cambridge Classical Texts and Commentaries, 1988), vol. 2, pt. 2, pp. 955-956)
Strabo from Amasya
63 BC - 24 AD
"... Syriacs are by the Syriacs themselves called Arimaeans and Aramaeans"
(From: The Geography of Strabo, translated by Horace Leonard Jones and published in Vol. I of the Loeb Classical Library edition, 1917, Book I, Chapt. 2, 34)
Yosef ben Matityahu
37 AD - 100 AD
"Aram had the Arameans, which the Greeks called Syriacs"
(Antiquities of the Jews, translated by William Whiston in 1737, Book I, Chapt. 6)
Pope Eusebius Pamphili
c. 275 - 339
"... and from Aram the Arameans, which are also called Syriacs"
(Sebastian Brock, "Eusebius and Syriac Christianity," in Harold W. Attridge and Gohei Hata, eds., Eusebius, Christianity, and Judaism (Leiden 1992), p. 226)
Jacob of Edessa
c. 640 - 708
"... we the Arameans, that is to say Syriacs ..."
(Maurice Brière, Les Homiliae Cathedrales de Sévère d'Antioche Traduction Syriaque de Jacques d'Edesse (Suite) Homelies CXX A CXXV in F. Graffin, Patrologia Orientalis Tome XXIX-Fasicule 1, p. 196)
896 - 956
"Tur Abdin is the mountain where remnants of the Aramean Syriacs still survive."
(R. Duval (ed.), Lexicon Syriacum, Paris, 1888-1901, p. 1323-1324)
Hassan Bar Bahlul
"The Syriacs were formerly called Arameans ..."
(R. Duval (ed.), Lexicon Syriacum, Paris, 1888-1901, p. 1323-1324)
Michael the Great
1126 - 1199
"... and the Arameans who are the Syriacs..."
(J-B Chabot, Chronique de Michel le Syrien Patriarche Jacobite d'Antioche (1166-1199) Tome I-II-III (French) and Tome IV (Syriac), Paris, 1899, pg 7 Livre II Chapitre I)
Dionysius Bar Salibi
1166 - 1171
"We are the Arameans that is Syriac Orthodox ..."
Gregorios Bar Hebraeus
1226 - 1286
"... You have brought me to the eloquent Aramean-Syriac nation."
(Gregory bar 'Ebroyo, The Book of Rays)
Professor Dietrich Hermann Hegewisch
1746 - 1812
"The Syriacs or Arameans were not merely a numerous and large people ..."
(D.H. Hegewisch: Die Aramäer oder Syrer; ein kleiner Beitrag zur allgemeinen Weltgeschichte, Berlinische Monatschrift, 2, 1794, ibid, p. 207)
Professor Theodor Mommsen
1817 - 1903
"the history of the Aramaean or Syriac nation ..."
(The History of Rome, written between 1854 and 1856, Leipzig, by Theodor Mommsen, Translated with the Sanction of the Author by William Purdie Dickson, Book First, Chapter One)
Archbishop Clemens Joseph David
1817 - 1903
"... Arameans converted to Christianity they forgot about their name, and were called Syriacs"
(preface of Grammaire de la langue Arameenne, Deuxième Edition, Mossul, 1896)
Professor Theodor Nöldeke
1836 - 1930
"... the name of the 'Syriacs' the people who called themselves 'Aramaeans'."
(Compendious Syriac Grammar by Theodor Nöldeke, translated from the second and improved german edition by James A. Crichton, London, 1904, see introduction)
Professor Rubens Duval
1839 - 1911
"... the Arameans who after the evangelisation of these countries adopted the name Syriacs."
(Anciennes Litteratures Chretiennes. II: La Litterature Syriaque par Rubens Duval, Troisieme Edition, Paris 1907, p. 4)
Abraham Yohannan
1853 - 1925
"... Syriacs were first known as Armoye or Oromoye, that is Arameans ..."
(A modern syriac-english dictionary by Abraham Yohannan, Part 1, Columbia University, New York 1900, introduction)
Max von Oppenheim
1860 - 1946
"Today's Syriacs are regarded largely as the descendants of the old Arameans ..."
(Vom Mittelmeer zum persischen Golf durch den Haurän, die syrische Wüste und Mesopotamien, by Dr. Max von Freiherrn von Oppenheim, Band I, Berlin 1899, p. 6)
Archbishop Touma Audo
1855 - 1917
"Arameans, that is, Syriacs."
(Treasure of the Syriac Language by Thomas Audo Metropolitan of Urmia, Part I-II., ND Verlag Bar Hebräus, Losser-Holland 1985, preface)
Bishop Israel Audo
1859 - 1941
"About the persecution of the Chaldean Arameans, that is to say the Syriacs"
(Antiquities of the Jews, translated by William Whiston in 1737, Book I, Chapt. 6)
Patriarch Aphrem Barsaum
1887 - 1957
"The Syriac community was known from its beginning as the Aramean community"
(“Sefro Suryoyo” [The Syriac Writing] in Aleppo (Syria) in 1947, p. 52)
Paul Al-Khoury Al-Kfarnissy
1888 - 1963
"Arameans began leaving their old Aramean name to call themselves Syriacs ..."
(Grammaire de la langue Araméene syriaque, second edition, Beirut 1962, introduction, p. 2)
Naaman Abdelmesih Karabash
1903 - 1983
"The people who inhabit Syria was called Aramean or Syriac."
(Mahdonwotho, published in Sweden 2004, p. 16)
Patriarch Ignatius Zakka Iwas
1933 - 2014
"Those who want to make a difference between Syriacs and Arameans make a big mistake."
(Den syriska kyrkan av Antiokia genom tiderna, p 10)